4st Helsinki Salon

Color, general

AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Ehlert, Ulrike Im Gegenlicht
Graf, Josef In flight
Graf, Josef made
Groeben, Norbert marina
Henn, Annelie Parachute
Henn, Annelie Pride
Hochhaus, Alexander Clouded
Jörn, Lützen bridge at the morning
Kaufmann, Susanne Kathrin_Bobbel
König, Hans in der Kurve
König, Hans Stargesang
Kraft, Roland Inside MAM
Kunick, Stefan Cplpr Lamps
Linnemann, Markus Lighthouses - When the night fades
Paul, Helmut At the Lake
Paul, Helmut Stairway 14
Romanowski, Jan Motorcross 1809
Schulz, Ruediger Amen
Schulz, Ruediger Blue Morning AFCC SILVER COLOR
Senser, Norbert Horizont
Senser, Norbert Ostseestrand
Senser, Norbert Vergleich
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Boytell, Kerry Sunset Over Mt San Michel
Boytell, Kerry Where are you Don Quixote
Tilley, Paul Tilley F1 Drifting
Woodcock, Jane Mona Corridor
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Egger, Marcel HelloBirdy
Egger, Marcel PeacockEye GPU GOLD COLOR
Egger, Marcel Sandstorm
Karner, Manfred Beautiful Face
Karner, Manfred Puppet Dance
Karner, Manfred Stretched Cloth
Pillik, Manfred Starke Frau
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Keurlinckx, Els Petite cabane rouge NFFF HM COLOR
Keurlinckx, Els Senta
Meerpoel, Pascal Flamingos Eye
Van Calsteren, Louis Banc FIAP HM COLOR
Van Calsteren, Louis Beach running
Van Calsteren, Louis Berges du Lez
Van Calsteren, Louis Lac paisible
Vandebroeck, Jhony Begroeting op tak
Vandebroeck, Jhony Weerbarstige buit
Vander Meulen, Sonja carreaux de couleur
Vander Meulen, Sonja doors
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Hristev, Dimo First light
Hristev, Dimo lavender-storm
Hristev, Dimo Matera
Hristev, Dimo The caravan
Madzharov, Kostadin Autumn
Madzharov, Kostadin The little hero
Todorova-marcheva, Maria Everything rotates around the Woman AFCC HM COLOR
Zaykov, Konstantin The young Moroccan
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Chen, Shuying call exchange
Chen, Shuying Eagle Owl
Chen, Shuying nurture
Chen , Zifeng baby in the egg
Chen , Zifeng Hercules Dad
Deng, Dongjie fight
Deng, Dongjie Fly through the fog
Guo , Guizhong Simmer with laughter
Hao, Jinfang Practice hunting
Hao, Jinfang Waiting
Jiao, Shengfu Intermountain pasture
Jiao, Shengfu Winding road
Liu , Jianping A solitary man
Liu , Jianping Return
Liu, Qingshun a solemn expression
Liu, Qingshun Gaze
Liu , Xuzhong Blacksmith
Lu, Shengfu Belief
Lu, Shengfu Pastoral
Ma , Yaping Father and son
Ma , Yaping Lively desert 3
Sheng , Yaojian Sunning of the Buddha
Tan, Yaonian fighting snake
Tan, Yaonian play snake
Wang , Yichi Pilgrimage road
Wu, Jianxin Family happiness GPU HM COLOR
Xiang, Balao quarrel
Xiang, Balao sing the dawn
Xiong, Yuehui hungry
Xiong, Yuehui target
Yang, Guomei Sweet home
Zhang, Jie musical note
Zhang, Jie play chess
Zhang, Zhimin aerial lore GPU HM COLOR
Zhang, Zhimin catch fish
Zhao , Jinli Bells on the ice mountains
Zhao, Jinyu Sunset Kilimanjaro
Zhu, Dong ready to take off
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Andreou, Andreas L Dance of Zou Lou 2
Kotsonis, Romos Reached the end
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Ryu, Shin Woo
Ryu, Shin Woo
Ryu, Shin Woo
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Andreassen, Lars Faroe Bridge in sunset
Christensen, Thomas A. Orange
Hammerstad, Jan Deliane 12
Hammerstad, Jan Outside In 1
Hammerstad, Jan The Flower
Hansen, Bjarne Juhl Painter opus 3
Jakobsson, Jens Storm at the lighthouse
Jensen, Maybritt Hodal Morning
Pinholt, Lis Marie Dahl Pinholt Amaurobius similis
Suszkiewicz, Ole Lonely Beauty
Wilgaard, Morten Mynte Muse 05
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Downie, Phil Last Line of Defence
George, William Exquisite
Greer, David Flying Tutu
Greer, David Kerrang
Greer, David Lady in Red
Harley, Bruce The Vigil
Mclean, Kenny Forgotten
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Krejan, Simon Regatta
Krizaj, Tomi BAND
Krizaj, Tomi SO LETS GO
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Adán Peña, Joaquín La diosa de ébano
Adán Peña, Joaquín Pink salt
Alcázar Ojeda, Antonio The girl and the cat
Barbany Bosch, Toni TRES CRXOFES
Benito Zapata, ángel en movimiento
Benito Zapata, ángel tambores
Benito Zapata, ángel verde y amarillo
De La Hoz Roch, Gràcia Clara with flowers
Fernández Gómez, Francisco Javier MUSAC
Fernández Gómez, Francisco Javier Pronando
Font Vila, Daniel JOVE CARBONERA
Gomez Catalina, Katy Alma de baobab
Gomez Catalina, Katy Luces del amanecer
Kuesta Garmendia, Joxe Inazio Man from Chittagong-Bangladesh
Kuesta Garmendia, Joxe Inazio Painting a Theyyam Ceremony Performer
Kuesta Garmendia, Joxe Inazio Surma children posing for the picture
Kuesta Garmendia, Joxe Inazio Surmi tribe girl drinking water from a tap - Ethiopia
Lafebre Castells, Vicenç Feel observed
Lafebre Castells, Vicenç La Marmolada
Leandro Serrano, Luis Crosswalk-2
Leandro Serrano, Luis Delta del Ebro
Llobera, Merche Flying Underwater
Llobera, Merche Marlin Run GPU SILVER COLOR
Llobera, Merche The King
López Cepero Mateos, Manuel BOTELLAS Y CIRUELAS II
López Cepero Mateos, Manuel LAS CIRUELAS
López Cepero Mateos, Manuel VISITA AL MUSEO GPU HM COLOR
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino El son
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino Esperanza
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino Las costuras del alam
Molist , Josep M Yin Yang ous
Morales Ogalla, Gaspar Islandia 1
Morales Ogalla, Gaspar Islandia 2
Urrutia Uriarte, Felix Bakardadean
Urrutia Uriarte, Felix Kanpazar
Vázquez Trujillo, Rubén CRUCES NFFF HM COLOR
Vázquez Trujillo, Rubén TRAFICO
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Carder, Nan Flamingo 2323
Conaway, Ward Misty Valleys
Pan, Joy P Aurora at Skagsand Norway
Pan, Joy P Simple Family Life at remote mountain village
Roberts, Lillian Roberts Elephant Under Leaning Tree
Roberts, Lillian Roberts Hows it Hanging
Vautrin, Inge Catching Raindrops
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Arffman, Marko Prayer
Arkila, Pertti Countryboy
Eskelinen, Jouko Behind the mask
Eskelinen, Jouko Vilja 2
Flankkila, Virpi Towards the light.
Flyktman, Reima Auchenorrhyncha
Flyktman, Reima Brimstone 2
Hakala, Seija Dancing with the moon
Hänninen, Kai Down under
Hautamaki, Tuula Dancing in the castle
Jokinen, Juha Colorful portrait 1
Jokinen, Juha Portraiture 14
Jortikka, Aki-samuli Almost like a painting
Kalle, Salonen League 4
Kannas, Klaus New Dawn
Keto, Jouko Land of The Midnight Sun
Korpela, Antti Eye of the Mordor
Korpi-vartiainen, Jukka-pekka Illuminated Landmark
Leino, Pertti Crown Snow-load
Lindholm, Ari Chamonix
Lindholm, Ari Drying cod in Lofoten
Mäki, Jarmo Medieval man
Mantykangas, Jarmo At last they want some Green
Mantykangas, Jarmo Mister Smith nro 1
Markkanen, Wille Forward
Niemi, Ritva The mayfly
Niskanen, Ilkka horn head
Niskanen, Ilkka icefishing 2
Nisula, Pekka Bipolar Disorder
Nisula, Pekka I Love You
Pajala, Vesa Cold Winter Day
Pajala, Vesa Staircase
Pajunen, Jonna Scarecrow
Pitkälahti, Tuula Flower fly
Puranen, Matti Autumn morning
Raunio, Risto Arctic fox on the way
Sami, Kontto Sojuz
Sarparanta, Heikki Group of Walruses
Sarvela, Margareta Summer Night in Finland
Sell, Henrik The ant and the flower
Sundström, Lotta Shadows and light on sand
Sundström, Lotta Tightrope dancer
Suomu-virtanen, Piia Blizzard
Suomu-virtanen, Piia Fox cub
Vahaettala, Marjukka Deer Tattoo
Valpasvuo, Timo IGOR
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Bertin, Jean-claude Arret sur image
Bertin, Jean-claude Puerto Candelaria
Camus, Thierry neon lights at Gaite Lyrique
Camus, Thierry red and red
Chaine, Jean-baptiste Anne-Claire
Chaine, Jean-baptiste Grand Central n°2
Chaine, Jean-baptiste Lëya et le chapeau
Gelé, Serge Like a storm
Morio, Françoise belle pirouette
Paris, Trinley Another milkmaid
Paris, Trinley L aventure NFFF HM COLOR
Paris, Trinley Le cafe du gardien
Paris, Trinley Un boucher
Rampnoux, Regis Yellow time 1
Verdier, Jean-pierre Debut de recolte
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Balachouti, Rania A light in the darkness
Lykouris, Ioannis After The Battle
Lykouris, Ioannis Edward
Lykouris, Ioannis Mermaid
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Kuipers, Rene Rosalien
Kuipers, Rene The Eye
Lybaert, Daniel Drie Japanse makakenkoppen
Lybaert, Daniel Kuifmakakenfamilie
Lybaert, Daniel Winters Isendica
Van Son, Max Flow
Vermaat, Anne-marie smile
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Lee, Wu Tzung Umbrella Maker 03
Lin, Wolfgang Dynasty 09
Lin, Wolfgang Raining in HK 02 FIAP GOLD COLOR
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Kohalmi, Kalman Red haired girl
Koncz, Desi Wing
Regenyi, Gabor The survivor
Roland, Kranitz Roland I got you FIAP HM COLOR
Sagi, Agi Miss Camouflage
Ujhelyi, Zsolt Ujhelyi Dawn of Hesperis NFFF GOLD COLOR
Ujhelyi, Zsolt Ujhelyi Three Graces
Ujhelyi, Zsolt Ujhelyi Yellow Stilettos
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Astro , Mohan waiting for the next season
Athavale, Bhaskar LAMAYURU MONESTRY 04
Basak, Sumanta BABY FARMER
Bhattacharjee, Hirak pray and bath
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy BLACK BEAUTY
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy JOB SATISFACTION
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy LANGUAGE OF EYE
Ck, Subramanya Ck Basking Croc
Das, Debanjan Rumeo 51
Dey, Mainak Caged
Dey, Mainak Chilly Boy
Dey, Mainak Friends in Rain
Dey, Mainak Jittered Thoughts
Ghosh, Debojyoti COLOURFUL FACES
Mitra, Bikram FURIOUS
Mitra, Bikram HIDING
Pal, Abhijit Old Man
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Aprillina, Dewi Yudhia A piece of life in Jodphur
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Byrne, Seamus Princess Dream
Hanafin, Helen Boy with the pink shirt
Hanafin, Helen Nepali Sadhu
Loughran , Gary Focus
Loughran , Gary Symmetry
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Matthiasson, Eyjolfur Common ringed plover
Matthiasson, Eyjolfur Eurasian pygmy owl in Norway
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Goldin , Leonid Windows in the yard NFFF BRONZE COLOR
Sinai, Menachem chess
Sinai, Menachem Urban Dance 002
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Baio, Rita calatrava flowers
Ceccherini, Eros SORRISI
De Rosa, Luigi Virata
Di Panfilo, Vincenzo Young passenger
Favalli, Emanuele Disgregations
Fini, Michele Autoimessa
Formenti, Giorgio Beach Atelier
Fratini, Franco Cold morning
Fratini, Franco Godafoss
Fratini, Franco Gran Prismatic 2
Maitan, Gianni Colibri 2022 n3 BEST OF SALON
Maitan, Gianni Polar Bear playing BEST OF SALON
Maitan, Gianni Polar Bear sleeping BEST OF SALON
Maitan, Gianni Snowy owl BEST OF SALON / NFFF SILVER COLOR
Manetti, Marco Sharon eyes 2
Martini, Gianni The Doubt
Pettazzi, Claudio Mudec 2
Pettazzi, Claudio The Galleria of Milano
Puosi, Antonio Duilio Coreografie di Carnevale
Reggio, Almando Skating 32 AFCC HM COLOR
Reggio, Almando Synchronized skating 32
Rignanese, Giuseppe La pastorella
Rignanese, Giuseppe Poster 1
Sarrocco, Giovanni EYE IN THE SKY
Sarrocco, Giovanni HEAVY METAL
Zuffo, Emanuele Burano 10
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Alloughani, Faisal cycling 1
Alloughani, Faisal Insistency AFCC GOLD COLOR
Alloughani, Faisal swimmer 40
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Hinger, Josy Jupa 3
Hutting, Jacques Hutting FIN DE JOURNEE A LA MOSQUEE
Hutting, Jacques Hutting SOIREE DOREE EN CAMARGUE
Patz, Martin Cattenom
Patz, Martin Serve
Patz, Martin Waterfront
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Chiang, Ka Chon Right Straight Punch
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Debono, Johann Portrait of a Fisherman
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Barsjø, Stine Marie Ida Sofie with white flowers
Carlsen, Nina Bending ballerina NFFF HM COLOR
Carlsen, Nina Do you dare
Darflot, Anngunn Darflot Korset
Darflot, Anngunn Darflot The fairy
Eikemo, Marit Kristin Ferstad Gannets
Engen, Bjoern In the north
Espeland, Kari E Espeland Trandum walking
Foss, Torunn Communication
Foss, Torunn Therese
Hanssen, Vegard Nine is one
Hanssen, Vegard The more the merrier
Hanssen, Vegard Three little bears
Helland, Atle Gondoler
Henanger, Kjell Eirik Irgens Easter hare 5 2022
Henanger, Kjell Eirik Irgens Free style in a free world FIAP HM COLOR
Henanger, Kjell Eirik Irgens Solstad 2022
Holst, Kjersti father and son playing with ball
Holst, Kjersti water lily leaf
Isaksen, Signe Gry Mr. Puffin
Kjøsnes, Oddmund Heron and Reflections
Kvam, Jarle I. Kvam Blue hour
Kvam, Jarle I. Kvam Night mist
Landvik, Jon Arctic Night
Landvik, Jon Winter on the River
Ogard, Ommund Magic
Olsson, Bjoern Reidar Lunde I Bokeh
Price, Anita Rowing in Arno river
Rabbevag, Odd The parrot of the sea
Sandstrak, Kristin Floating
Skaug, Jorgen Hadeland Winter wonderland
Sveen, Lars Carousel
Sylta, Rolf Sylta The skater
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Dubiel, Cezary Tunnel of light GPU HM COLOR
Milkiewicz, Piotr Alone
Wisniewska-halka, Kamila Among The Reeds
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Allen, William Elle in Red
Allen, William French Beauty
Allen, William Lady in Green
Allen, William The Blue Scarf
Barton, Janice Dolls
Barton, Janice Venice Queen
Bloodworth, Trish Faithful friends
Clifton, Lorraine Deadvlei tree
Clifton, Lorraine Ghost town triptych
Fryer, Andy Posts and Pier
Gibson, James Final bow
Gibson, James On the run
Hardy, Lorraine Grief
Harrison, Paul Over we go
Harrison, Paul St Cuthbert's Holy Island
Hayes, Andrew Lion Portrait
Hayes, Andrew Mara Dawn Tree
Hayes, Andrew Woodpecker in the Snow
Healey, Ann Clouded Leopard
Healey, Ann Emerald Hummingbird Feeding
Janes, Phil Eyes On The Ball
Jenkin, Barbara Northern Lights Maiden
King, John Reflections Male Mandarin Duck
Kozok, Corinne Blue Male on Top
Kozok, Corinne Her Favourite Hen
Malisan, Massimiliano Gentleman's Relax
Malley-smith, Jeremy I Love Rock And Roll
Malley-smith, Jeremy Reflections of Buchaille Etive Mor
Malley-smith, Jeremy River Coupall Waters
Otton, Helen Jumping Spaniel
Otton, Helen Solitude
Price, Robin Style Is In The Genes
Smith, Roy Approaching the Summit
Smith, Roy d Arrows Tornado 3
Smith, Roy Tornado 2
Wheeler, David Reunited
Wheeler, David Spiral Staircase
Wheeler, David The New Puppy
Whitby, John Awe and Wonder
Whitby, John Patriot
Wong, Yin Blue Lollipop 2
Wong, Yin Chelsea Pensioner in Art Gallery
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Margarintoni, Oscar Iustin Splash
Margarintoni, Oscar Iustin You need coffe
Pop, Ovi D. 3 D
Pop, Ovi D. The seasons labyrinth
Sarb, Vasile Broken wings
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Mirkovic, Dragoslav NOVOMILOSEVO 246
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Bandara, Pandula Laying on Floor 2
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Almen, Anna Fire hunter
Almen, Anna Kingfisher dance
Almen, Anna Travel to Grandma
Domeij, Siv Cold
Domeij, Siv Picnic
Domeij, Siv Scarce copper
Garblad, Yvonne Dogs and tentipi
Gustafson, Klas Guggenheim
Gustafson, Klas Lyngved 1
Gustafson, Klas Night caravan
Hansson, Lars-hakan Cold water Surf Philip KN 8390
Jerlemar, Nils-erik Empty Bench
Jerlemar, Nils-erik Pedestrian Crossing No 4
Liedholm, Marcus Urban loneliness 1
Lundblad, Mikael Follow me
Lundblad, Mikael Munttoren
Lundblad, Mikael Ponte Romana
Reichel, Peter Harbor
Stake, Jan-thomas Smoke 0086
Ward, Gary Incoming tide AFCC HM COLOR
Wennblom, Monica Waterfront
Zebuhr, Goran At the padel lane
Zebuhr, Goran Stockholm Central Station 1 PM
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Polli, Alex Autumn poetry
Polli, Alex Harmony
Zurmühle, Martin Flying Angel III AFCC HM COLOR
Zurmühle, Martin Flying Flag II
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Chen, Potse Aisle Red
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Minh Minh Tam, Phan BUNG
Vu, Hai Hai che o long