AUTHOR Image title awards
Villalba, Raul Circus
Villalba, Raul La Reina
Villalba, Raul Los cristales de la memoria
Villalba, Raul Tierra seca MENCION DE HONOR CEF
AUTHOR Image title awards
English, Ian Confusion 2
English, Ian The Deep Thinker
AUTHOR Image title awards
Mahovic, Hrvoje Stone flower
Martic, Nenad Homage to HN
Martic, Nenad Looking through the eyes of a pet
Trbojevic, Davorka Black and white
AUTHOR Image title awards
Borges, Rafael In the moonlight
Borges, Rafael Top of the stairs
Borges, Rafael Trees an roots
AUTHOR Image title awards
Simonen, Pia train dispatcher
AUTHOR Image title awards
Camus, Thierry taking flight
Camus, Thierry walking in indoor architecture MENCION DE HONOR FIAP
Paris, Trinley Danseuse timide
Paris, Trinley Impure
Paris, Trinley Les guerrieres
Paris, Trinley Naufrages
Pires Dias , José Manuel Le rdv nb
Pires Dias , José Manuel Spychose 2 MEDALLA PLATA CEF
AUTHOR Image title awards
Kluger, Manfred golden light-4
Kluger, Manfred veil dance-1
Neuba, Adam Lost In Space
Neuba, Adam The Light Walker
AUTHOR Image title awards
Lokos, Zoltan Arcanum
AUTHOR Image title awards
Majumder, Kaushik Astonished
Moitra, Seshadri Rope of Hope MENCION DE HONOR ACCIO
AUTHOR Image title awards
Aditya, Rawisyah Colorful ballerina
Aditya, Rawisyah Scary MEDALLA ORO FIAP
AUTHOR Image title awards
Biagi, Roberto Autumn leaves
D'alia, Valentina Geometries and balloon
Sericano, Claudio Red metropolis
AUTHOR Image title awards
Kuipers, Rene Light will find its way
Kuipers, Rene Loneliness MENCION DE HONOR CEF
Kuipers, Rene Natures Gracefulness
Van Balken, Marcel Concretesundown PIN AZUL FIAP
Van Balken, Marcel Freebird PIN AZUL FIAP
Van Balken, Marcel Polarbearpet PIN AZUL FIAP / MENCION DE HONOR FIAP
Van Balken, Marcel Spiralrun PIN AZUL FIAP
AUTHOR Image title awards
Hardley, Liz A Tale of Two Doctors
AUTHOR Image title awards
Ang, Ken Flamenco of Light
AUTHOR Image title awards
AUTHOR Image title awards
Ahijado Arenas, Potenciano fantasia
Ahijado Arenas, Potenciano ull MEDALLA BRONCE FCF
Ahijado Arenas, Potenciano urbanitzacio cramp
Aracil Roux, Luís cibor
Aracil Roux, Luís fantasia
Aviles Ayala, Francisco Espiral
Aviles Ayala, Francisco PINCHOs
Barbany Bosch, Toni OU NANSA
Carmona Monje, Jose Los caminantes
Diez Ovejas, Josemi Bodegon-64
Diez Ovejas, Josemi coco
Domínguez Jiménez, Manuel José Caleidoscopio
Domínguez Jiménez, Manuel José Metamorph
Domínguez Jiménez, Manuel José Obfuscation V2
Frias Pérez, Carlos The Best
Frias Pérez, Carlos Tren MENCION DE HONOR ACCIO
G. Robledo, Erika DESTINY
Girona Gomez, Carlos Alpinistas MENCION DE HONOR ACCIO
Girona Gomez, Carlos Esperando
Guasch Giner, Antonio ficcio
Guasch Giner, Antonio teatre
Lacunza , Txema No me pareis las olas!!!
Lacunza , Txema Roseton
Leandro Serrano, Luis A1 La novia del mar
Leandro Serrano, Luis A2 El rodillo
Leandro Serrano, Luis A4 Equilibrio inestable
López Fernández, Francisco José BIRDS SYMPHONY 3
López Fernández, Francisco José BIRDS SYMPHONY 5
López Fernández, Francisco José shadows of freedom
Mañosas Bassa, Antoni XINETA
Matencio Miret, David Coronavirus DIPLOMA MEJOR AUTOR SOCI ACCIO
Mateo García, Fernando Luces de bohemia
Mercadal Moll, Bosco Dictadura
Mercadal Moll, Bosco Hombre Aguila MENCION DE HONOR FIAP
Mercadal Moll, Bosco Melon y saltamontes
Mesa Otero, Jesus A. Historias del Apocalipsis
Mesa Otero, Jesus A. Los colores del Otoño
Mimó Bayo, Joan La novia
Mimó Bayo, Joan Nu clau alta
Mimó Bayo, Joan The Beatles
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino 17.Rigel
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino 492_Anil
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino 531_Leyendo una revista
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino El son
Molist , Josep M Blanc o negre
Molist , Josep M Torre Calatrava BCN
Noguero Cazorla, Andreu A Ecologica
Núñez Buj, Rodrigo El árbol de la ciencia
Planas Salvador, M Victoria 01 THE LITTLE ALICE
Planas Salvador, M Victoria 02 GEORGINA
Poveda Alcodori, Gerardo Mirada
Remolà Pagès, Lluís El final
Remolà Pagès, Lluís Gold fingers
Remolà Pagès, Lluís No face
Rojas Parras, Pedro La Madonna de Port Lligat MENCION DE HONOR CEF
Tejero Gómez, Juan Circunferencias
Trillo, Diana Birth
Vera Jerez, Ernestina Dulce espera MENCION DE HONOR ACCIO